Payment is due in full at the time of services. We will provide you with an itemized invoice prior to processing payment. We accept cash, checks, credit/debit cards, or Venmo. A copy of your paid invoice and your horse’s medical records will be sent to you from our practice management software within 2-3 business days following your appointment.
Medical Records
We use a digital medical records system that allows real-time access to view and update each horse’s records. We will electronically send you your horse’s medical record from each appointment within 2-3 business days following the appointment. Copies of radiographs (x-rays) will also be sent electronically. Should you require referral to another veterinary practice, we will send a copy of your horse’s records and images to that practice after placing the referral.
Follow-Up Care
At the end of your horse’s appointment, verbal and written instructions will be provided on at-home care and monitoring, including: medication instructions, potential side effects, which outcomes are normal/expected versus abnormal, and reasons to seek follow-up veterinary care. A plan for follow-up care and communication will be discussed and scheduled based on the needs of each horse. It is the responsibility of each client to adhere to the at-home care instructions and seek follow-up care if concerns arise. No question is too small to ask. Please contact us promptly with any questions or issues and we will do our best to help you!
Social Media
We value the use of digital technology and social media to document your horse’s progress, to share your horse’s successes and to educate others on best veterinary medical practices. Please consult with Dr. Khatibzadeh prior to photographing or filming any medical procedure, and/or sharing videos or pictures on social media platforms. Likewise, Dr. Khatibzadeh will obtain documented permission from each client prior to photographing or filming any medical procedure and/or sharing content to the practice website or social media pages.
Thank you for adhering to our practice policies! Please contact us at (919) 619-9214 or at [email protected] with questions.